8 Intentions For Every Action 

8 intentions for every action

قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) نية المؤمن خير من عملهNabi (صلى الله عليه وسلم. ) said something to the effect, “The intention of a Believer is better than his action.”

Moulana Ilyas رحمة الله عليه- If a person attempts to make these 8 intentions for every action that he does, for 3 days, ﺂللَّــہ will make Imaan flow through his veins just how blood flows.

1.O ﺂللَّــہ , You are giving me the Tawfeeq (ability) to do this Amal (action) and the outcome of this Amal is in Your hands.

2.O ﺂللَّــہ , I’m doing this Amal to obey Your command and to follow the Sunnah of Nabee-e-Kareem صلى الله عليه وسلم. (Think of the Command of ﺂللَّــہ سبحانه وتعالى and the Sunnahs in this action)

3.To think of the fadhaa’il (virtue)of the Amal and Istihzaar(thinking of the reward by doing the action) at the time of doing the Amal.

4.To ponder over the fact that ﺂللَّــہ سبحانه وتعالى is watching me, He hears me, knows what I am doing and He is with me.

5.O ﺂللَّــہ , I am not fit (deserving)to do this amal (coz of my sins)and everyone else who is doing it is fit to do it. Through their acceptance, accept my amal as well.

6.O ﺂللَّــہ , I am doing this Amal only to please You.

7.O ﺂللَّــہ , I am doing this Amal, please accept it and make it a means of hidayah (guidance) for me and all humanity.

8.After doing the amal, make shukr to ﺂللَّــہ ( thank ﺂللَّــہ )and make istighfaar (seek forgiveness) that I could not do the action as it was ought to be done. 

Moulana Ilyaas رحمة الله عليه used to say these are sifaat-e- qubooliyat (qualities of acceptance of any Amal (action

May ﺂللَّــہ سبحانه وتعالى grant us the ability to practice upon this beautiful advice and make all our Aamaal worthy of earning His سبحانه وتعالى ‘s pleasure and gaining closeness to Him سبحانه وتعالى آمــــــــــين آمين يا رب العالمين

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