O’My Allah…

O’My Allah…

O’My Allah, You are my Comfort, You are my Solace.
You are my Saviour, from all horrors.
O’My Allah, You are my Friend, You are my Strength.
You’re with me through life, You walk the whole length.
O’My Allah, You are The Light, You are The Truth.
Your Dhikr is my addiction, cultivated in youth.
O’My Allah, You are The Source, You know my destiny.
You hold my fate, from me a mystery.
O’My Allah, You send me trials, You know my pain.
You teach me through hardship, I have much to gain.
O’My Allah, You bestow me with fruits, in abundance to savour.
Yet You are patient, When I forget Your favours.
O’My Allah, You send the rain and the rainbows too.
With hardship comes ease, these words ring true.
O’My Allah, Enlighten my heart, enliven my spirit.
Let deeds in Your Name, Take up my minutes, of this temporary life.
Let me make use, to win Your pleasure, When my records You peruse.
O’My Allah, with cries from my heart, tears flowing from my eyes, accept my plea.

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